XXth : decorative arts -design

Saturday 12 December 2020 14:00
Villefranche-sur-Saône , 592, boulevard Albert-Camus 69400 Villefranche-sur-Saône
Sale information
Sale of design
Expert : Bruno DURR
For any information and order : 04 28 39 00 20 / contact@richardmdv.com
Sale live on Drouotlive and Interecheres live , also auctions by phone or firm orders
To bid by phone or leave a firm order, you can send us an email with a copy of your ID and your rib, your phone and your postal address.Public sales: it is advisable to register beforehand with us because the number of people is limited.
04 28 39 00 20 / contact@richardmdv.com
Sales conditions